Monday, May 23, 2005

Personal application of James 4:13-15

Well, I thought I would study all day today. Procrastination.
Woke up with my back in spasms - I can't remember the last time I had a problem with my back.
I've just taken some muscle relaxants, and will now attempt to summon up some discipline and some interest in the study material. If any of it is successful, it will be by God's grace.

Did my usual "skim" read of a book by Kris Lundgaard - "The enemy within", which is a modern look at the material in two books by John Owen: " The Nature, Power, Deceit and Prevalency of the Remainders of Indwelling Sin in Believers", and "The Mortification of Sin".
I believe if I am able to truly meditate on this material and the scripture that it points to, and honestly answer the questions that he asks at the end of each chapter - I will begin to understand the ongoing battle with the enemy within - my flesh.

Praying for all my brothers and sisters in Christ today, that He would bring us to true repentance and a return to our first love.

1 comment:

gracie said...

God was very gracious. If the instructor can read my writing, I'm quite certain I've passed.
I spent this afternoon (Thursday) at a friend/co-worker/sister in the Lord's house - sitting in her backyard studying. It was such a beautiful day!